Friday, October 22, 2010

a golden light - Fall

Well, here's the color season again!
      I think that when you reach a certain point in, whatever really, in life...age/circumstances or how you think about things...because believe me, the way you think, when say maybe you're one age, is totally different than how you think not even two years later. no joke.
actually, even a year can make a HUGE difference in things. mainly i think from experiences. lol because thats all what life is...if you think about it. something simple has...u know that you dont put your hand on a stove when its hot because you will be burned because *last* time you did, oh guess what? ouch!! ha yeah thats how it works. oh and another thing, u know you did it because someone said "no, its hot" :P  thats just my simple example :P you can make up a harder one.
        But anyways, i think fall is just awesome :)
soo here are some recent pictures i took...i had a lot of fun doing always ;)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ridin' de Rails