Sunday, November 14, 2010

Frosty Morning

So one morning i had to do the out-side chores.....yes, im not normally out this early when its frosty and freeeeeezing  just to take a picture :P buuut i was, so before the sun came up enough to melt all the dew, i ran and got Rebel to take some pictures. I was very happy about the way they turned out  ^.^

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mr and Mrs Teddy

So i was bored one morning and didnt feel like doing school (hmm) so im looking around my room and notice that its awfully dusty...imagine dust i do. And as im making my way around my room, i notice my little teddy bears sitting in a wicker chair, looking quite dejected. you can imagine the rest =) So i took these cute little things to the back yard and took some pictures of them with the leaves. I thought they look quite adorable ^_^
And i would upload more, but i dont have time :P...early start tomorrow.